Friday, February 6, 2009

My uterus measures smaller than dates by two weeks. No one seems to care. It was always on date until now. With my son, my uterus was on date until the third trimester, when it dropped off and leveled out at two weeks behind. Two weeks behind is not considered clinically concerning. I feel like giving birth to a dead child should earn you a slightly more liberal view of what is and is not clinically concerning. I wish I could get someone besides me to worry about this baby's growth. Oliver may have had a cord accident, but he was also too small. 5 lbs 12 oz is not a reasonable size for a full term baby who is 21 inches long. 21 inches is a long baby. If he'd weighed between 7 and 8 pounds, he'd still have been very thin. Less than 6 is not a healthy size for a baby that long. The only person who's ever acknowledged it as an issue is an OB who thought him being thin and weak was a factor in his death. But my uterus was never more than 2 weeks behind then either. So at what point will anyone be worried? When this baby dies too?

1 comment:

Sara said...

Sarah, I have so much hope for you that everything is okay. I hope you can find somebody who is concerned and willing to help you through your pregnancy and deal with things that might be alarming to you if this were your first and clearly are alarming given your history.I just read your last string of posts. I'm sorry--it all sounds so terrible right now. Thinking of you.